Tuesday, April 16, 2019

The Basics

So let me post a bit of the basics of how the site will work.

Fights: The fights will usually and preferably be set up in the forums between managers or the fighters themselves. In the case of an odd number of fighters or not enough managers/fighters, fighters can square off against AI based opponents. The fights will be run through WreSpi2 with the details being touched up by me or by any writer who wants the opportunity to write up their fight. I'll talk to both managers beforehand to get details and quips that they want their fighters to perform during their fight.

Fighter Pages: Fighter galleries can be edited by their fighters managers by simply sending me the photos they wish to see on their fighter page, alongside any other details they'd like to add like logos or other miscellaneous items.

Move-Sets: Fighters have a few options in terms of moves they can perform during a fight. Fights will be run through a wrestling simulator so the fights will lean towards the theatrical, but here's the fun part. Just about any move you can think of can be programmed into your fighters moveset. Just talk to me about a move you have in mind and I'll add it in, fighters do have a limit on the amount of moves they can have so choose carefully.

Skills: All fighters will start off with the same amount of skill points, but the way they are divided up will be up to their managers. Want a fighter with more stamina, invest heavily in stamina points. Want a fighter who's a high flyer, invest heavily in high flying. Each fighter will gain points for certain milestones they hit which will once again be chosen by their managers on where they are allotted to.

This is all I can think of to type out at the moment, but if you have any questions feel free to message me on the forum!

Mr. Drake

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